Update-history | QuestionConctructionKit

Here you can see which versions are available and what the new features are. You can always download it [ here ].

Date Component Version New in this version
02|20|25 QCK QuestionConverter 1.0.41 The export to QTI 3.0 has been completely renewed. There is a test container now and a LOM block is included for the test (to be expected: for the individual questions). The LOM part is not yet filled. AI generated tests are coming in tighter and better now. From the MoodleXML import the order question type is working fine now.
01|18|25 QCK AIPromptBuilder 1.0.40 Output for TXT generation has been greatly expanded, making the input to the converter much more structured.
01|17|25 All components 1.0.37 First setup-version, free for selected users